Oil painter
Size, medium, technique, year
40x50 cm, Oil on canvas, Sfumato, 2020.
Sargent Eli J. Etherton was educated in electronics repair by the US army. He has since started buissinesses in the tech space under the name Eli the computer guy and vlogs extensively about the start up world and culture. He is easily recognized by his left cauliflowered ear that he has gotten from being a bad ass Kempo fighter. It is from that experience he got the idea of a digital dojo with tech skills ranked by grade and subject.
He ratified his life filosophy in a video about videoing ducks as an analogy for what you are willing to do ten thousand times over. That life philosophy was what got us his start up idea failed normal.
Albeight he states a different reason for putting litterally decades worth of teaching material for free on youtube, he is a wonderfull human being for doing so. Go check him out on failednormal.com where he talks about failing to be normal.